Non Human Primate COVID-19 Information Hub

By Steve Unwin

03 May 2020

This site is being designed in real time as a resource for those working at the human - non human primate interface.  The goal is to create a Community of Practice, connecting relevant facts, experts and resources from several professional communities (human health, captive, sanctuary, and in situ conservation 'facilities' and sites) to assist with response and management of the 2020 SARS CoV2 viral outbreak or COVID-19 disease. We hope that by creating synergy across "non human primate communities" during this outbreak, we will build bridges and knowledge that will be useful for future outbreak prevention, response and contingency planning. Disclaimer: information and best practices are changing daily, this site is backed by a core team of multi-disciplinary experts committed to finding the best fact-based information or experts.This resource is being developed in four layers

The Q&A is a list of frequently asked questions formatted for access on any portable device.  The goal is to provide up to date information to a broad user audience

The second, technical layer (under development) will be a collection of in depth guidance developed by subject matter experts on such things as if, how, when and why to implement diagnostic testing; the proper use of personal protective equipment; the changing natural history of the virus, etc.

The third section of the portal is to provide the best fact-based links and shareable documents to this community

Finally, we are planning to facilitate just in time information blasts (infrequent) for highly relevant information, as well as webinars and panels on important topics from experts.

We invite you to submit a question through the form located on the main page. Responses to frequently asked questions will be updated to the site weekly, or twice per week as needed. Every attempt will be made to provide the most up to date information as it becomes available during this dynamic pandemic guided by expert review.